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3 Reasons Why Your Story Matters

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Emily, I crave to know people because I crave to be known.

A simple late night burger run had quickly escalated into one of those life chats you never forget. My friend’s simple statement felt like a splash of icy water on my face, abruptly calling my thoughts to attention. Mind racing, I immediately agreed. I had never quite articulated my thoughts as succinctly as she did that night and I haven’t been able to shake her words since.

I too crave to be known. I ask people questions and pay attention to the details they share, hoping they’ll do the same in return. I want to hear their stories, their fears, their dreams, because I want to share my stories, my fears, and my dreams with others too.

Our stories matter because they reveal our desire to be connected, to both know and be known, to do life with those around us, to belong.

So, why do our stories matter?

  1. Our stories remind us that we’re not alone. Every time I invite others onto my journey by sharing what I’m learning, what I’m struggling with or what I’m experiencing, it invites them to have the freedom to say, “Me too!” There’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re the only one going through the circumstance you’re facing. And that’s just not the truth! We are not alone.
  2. Our stories connect us. Like my friend so beautifully articulated, we crave to know others because we too crave to be known. As we share our stories and listen to the stories of those around us, we gain friends and family, we gain a tribe of people to do life with.
  3. Our stories honor Jesus. At the end of the day, I want my life to bring praise and honor to my Savior. When I share what He’s doing in my life—how He’s shaping and molding me, how I’m becoming who He made me to be—it points people to Jesus, giving Him all the glory and honor.

Nothing breaks my heart more than a woman staring into my eyes sharing that she doesn’t have a story. Friend, that’s simply not true. Each and every one of us has a story because each and every one of us are on this grand journey of becoming who God made us to be. This month we’re going to be diving into this idea and truth that your story matters. We’ll be tackling topics like:

  • Understanding our value and the truth of who we are and whose we are
  • Discovering what our story is in the first place
  • What to do when it feels like your story isn’t headed anywhere
  • How to live authentically
  • Why stories inspire us
  • How to share your story
  • What to do when you feel devalued
  • How to own our circumstances and persevere
  • How to have a God-sized vision for your life

Our prayer and hope through this series is that you discover and believe deep down in your core that Your Story Matters. Period. That’s it. Because friend, it so does. Your story inspires me. Your story is the reason why I get out of bed each day, the reason why I write, the reason why I keep chasing after becoming who God made me to be. You’re inspiring me daily. And I pray that you see just how valuable and loved you are and begin confidently sharing the gift of you with the world around you. And what better way to kick off a new series than with a dance party, right?! We’ve got you covered with a few of our favorite jams that are sure to remind us that our story is headed somewhere and we’re going to be ok. Subscribe to the Spotify playlist here.

As you journey through this series, I want to challenge you to share your story with at least one person. It could be your mom, sister, a friend, teacher, co-worker…anyone! And I would also LOVE to hear your story as well. Would you email me here? I can’t wait to get to know you more and together continue to become the women God made us to be. Let’s do this!

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