You’ve probably noticed by now that the debut of Jurassic World has been a pretty big deal. It seemed like every preview released came with a whirlwind of media coverage, and the fandom surrounding its premier date may have been enough to warrant a new holiday.
Now if you know me, you know I have a thing for dinosaurs. I am most definitely in that club. I have friends who are too, and I can’t tell you how many times I was asked if I saw the latest trailer, or how many links to previews and spoiler articles I came across in the long, agonizing waiting for its premier. Aside from the first time its announcement hit my eyes and ears, I avoided all of it.
I feel like movie previews can really spoil a movie. Granted, there are a few really well done previews out there, giving you just enough to affect how you watch a movie. I remember two contrasting examples of this.
When I went to see Mall Cop, I had watched the previews. They managed to fit every, and I literally mean every, funny scene into the previews. This was not good. Every time something outrageous was about to go down, I could already see it coming. What could have been side splitting laughter turned into basically pity-laughing under my breath. I had already experienced everything, so there was nothing left for me to enjoy.
Now, showing up to watch Jurassic World was a whole different story for me. I had watched all the previous movies. I knew they delivered on what they promised each time before. I loved the concept, understood the general plot, and heard enough hype from others to believe I would thoroughly enjoy this film. I bought my ticket not knowing the characters, the twists, or the hold-your-breath moments—I was pretty close to a clean slate walking into the theater the night of the premier. And in turn, every detail and every moment had to be gripped in a trance of sheer entertainment. I found myself on the edge of my seat. I jumped, I gasped, I had no idea what would happen next––and I loved the thrill of it. That movie experience was richly satisfying.
The problem with our culture today is that we want movie previews for life. We want to have an idea about what we are signing up for before we buy the ticket or set aside a couple hours to immerse ourselves into an experience. Our whole would needs to see it before we believe, before we decide if something is worth our attention or investment. God is not a god of movie previews. He asks us to trust Him, to give Him a chance, and to put our faith into action before we see physically in this world.
He has revealed enough through His Word. We don’t need to plead with Him to do miracles, show us signs and wonders, or hear a bellowing audible voice from the skies to trust Him. Sometimes He will do these things, but there is so much He has already given us in the Scriptures that when we become dependent on His Word, we discover wisdom and direction for our life. As we journey with Him, His faithfulness in doing exactly what He says He will do builds trust in us for the next thing. We can know with confidence that He always delivers on His promises. His reputation, His claim, and His desire to lavish love and grace on us is enough.
We try to spoil the good parts of life by getting a sneak peak, or gain some level of control by knowing what’s around every turn. God wants to blow our minds and keep us wondering with excitement. Romans 8:15 (MSG) says our life is to be “adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike, ‘What’s next Papa?’” He wants to thrill us, keep us looking to Him for what’s next, and reveal a life beyond our wildest dreams.
I don’t know about you, but I choose to trust Him. I choose to make the decision based on the truth He has already revealed. I choose to show up undaunted by the unknown and expecting the best in the end. I choose to live life on the edge of my seat.