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Becoming A Woman In Gold #10

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Woman in Gold #10 from on Vimeo.

Road Trip Questions:

  1. Have you ever read the story of Abigail in the Bible? If not, take some time this week to dive into 1 Samuel 25 in the Bible to read her story!
  2. What stood out to you the most in today’s video with the big idea that as we become who God made us to be, we need to choose who we’re going to battle with?
  3. Is there anyone you’re battling with right now that you need to end the battle with?

Just For Fun:

  1.  Take some time this week to assess where you’re at with the whole “choose who you’re going to battle with” thing. If there’s anyone you’re currently battling with, make a game plan to end the battle and extend peace and forgiveness—leaning into the big idea that being right is highly overrated. Maybe that looks like having a cup of coffee with someone you need to ask for forgiveness. Maybe it means choosing to stop listening to gossip. Maybe it means setting clear boundaries and ending an unhealthy friendship. Whatever “choosing who you’re going to battle with” looks like for you this week, intentionally take that next step! And we’d love to hear how it went! Send us an email here to share your story!

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