Tomorrow morning I am going to begin a 40-day journey through David Nasser’s book, A Call to Die. I will begin “fasting from the world and feasting on God.” Today I began reading the introduction and praying about where God would lead me on this particular challenge. Nasser asks participants to fast from one thing that is distracting in their spiritual life. Instead of doing that “one distracting thing” I will spend time in prayer and reading God’s Word. Nasser quotes, “God’s word has the power to change lives. If you marinate yourself in the Scriptures, I’m confident that God will do some amazing things in you and through you. Count on it.” I am going to “marinate” myself in the Bible and treasure God’s words to me. I want God to mold me and shape me into a woman after His own heart. As I embark on this pilgrimage, I will let you lean in on what God is teaching me. Hopefully you and I can “focus on letting Jesus change our identities” this holiday season. As I die to myself, as I die to Emily Beth Cummins, I will be transformed into a fresh and new young woman who seeks Jesus Christ as her source of confidence.

Becoming Tayler Jordan: Learning To Embrace You Are Enough
How can you embrace you are enough? We’re excited to introduce you to our warrior friend Tayler Jordan! Grab a cup of coffee and join Tayler’s and Emily’s