Ahhh….today was absolutely amazing! I went to the YMCA at about 9:00 a.m. to work out and then I just lounged by the pool for the rest of the day working on my tan. My “big sister” (Spiritually speaking!), Erika, joined me later and we had some delicious frappucinos from Starbucks. You know, you need days every now and then to just sit back and relax. It is so easy to get burnt out in this crazy world that we live in. I know that I get just plain exhausted and kinda cranky when I take my eyes off of Jesus, don’t spend enough quality time with my Daddy, and just try to do way too much. When this happens I get caught in this attitude that I do not like or enjoy. So I have to take whatever time I have and just breathe for a little bit and allow Jesus to rejuvenate my soul. Sometimes I only have about ten minutes, but that is OK. I am thankful for what I can get! Look for your “symptoms” of when you get just plain exhausted and know to take a little breather. This will make all the difference in your Spiritual walk and in your relationships. (And on a side note, you don’t have to take a breather by going to the spa or anything fancy like that. Simply go for a walk or read a book. Anything relaxing is fun!)

Becoming Tayler Jordan: Learning To Embrace You Are Enough
How can you embrace you are enough? We’re excited to introduce you to our warrior friend Tayler Jordan! Grab a cup of coffee and join Tayler’s and Emily’s