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Becoming Justin J. Jundante Jacob: Discovering Hope & Community On Your Becoming Journey

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I am so excited to introduce you to my warrior friend Justin J. Jundante Jacob! Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join Justin’s & my conversation unpacking his story, how he is becoming who God made him to be, and how we too can grow on our becoming journey…

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Meet Justin J. Jundante Jacob:

Justin J. Jundante is a 28 years old man born in the Philippines who came to America when he was 10 years old. Justin served in the U.S. MARINES for 6 years as an 0811 Field Artillery Cannoneer. He used to be 260lbs and is currently working at a Farmer’s Market selling coconut milk. Justin does Instagram Lives with regular people in which they share their passion and their testimony on God.

Connect With Justin J. Jundante Jacob Online:



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