I am so excited to introduce you to my warrior friend Nadine Krill! Grab a cup of coffee and join Nadine’s & my conversation unpacking her story, how she is becoming who God made her to be, and how we too can grow on our becoming journey…

Meet Nadine Krill:
Hi! I’m Nadine! I’m 22 and in love with Jesus! I’m passionate about people and helping them find their firm foundation. Over the past year, God has really been doing incredible work in my heart and allowed me to have that personal relationship with Him that I was missing for so long. God had to wreck my weak foundation in order to rebuild from the ruins and I’m so grateful He did! I have been blessed with an opportunity to share Jesus through social media! Here are my links!
Connect with Nadine Krill Online:
Instagram: @nadinekrill
YouTube: https://youtube.com/c/nadinekrill
TikTok: @nadinekrill