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Becoming Stephen Brewster: How To Give Great Effort & Steward Your Becoming Journey Well

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I am so excited to introduce you to my warrior friend Stephen Brewster! Grab a cup of coffee and join Stephen’s & my conversation unpacking his story, how he is becoming who God made him to be, and how we too can grow on our becoming journey…

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Meet Stephen Brewster:

God designed you to create. It was His plan for you to solve problems, develop concepts, and make an impact through your life.

That is the life work of Stephen. It happens through partnering with churches, organizations, and individuals. Stephen loves to help develop a map to clarify calling, purpose, and pathway. He serves with teams of all sizes in creative, worship, executive, and leadership roles.

Stephen is a creative leader. He worked in the music business for years, finding artists, developing albums, and leading marketing teams. He then moved into church leadership, serving not just as a lead over creative but also on the executive level of multiple mega-churches across the country.

Stephen and his wife Jackie started The Harmony Group – an organization that helps worship teams navigating the music business, churches develop leadership and creative structures for growth and culture development, as well as intensive Enneagram coaching. Stephen hosts several podcasts, generates ideas for new endavours, coaches creatives, and hangs out in downtown Franklin, TN, where the Brewster family of six calls home.

You can follow the journey on Instagram, YouTube, or his blog.

Stephen Loves: His family, Franklin, TN, Football, Art, Music, Creativity, Basketball, The Miami Hurricanes, Podcasts, and is a leadership nerd.

Connect with Stephen Brewster Online:


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