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Day 30~Hold Things Loosely

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But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

-Matthew 6:3-4

David Nasser says that “Giving, not acquiring, is the lifestyle of the person who is sold out to Jesus Christ.” There are 11 days until Christmas and my mind is already racing towards the hustle and the bustle of holiday traditions like shopping while sipping a chocolate mocha and reading the Christmas story or exchanging gifts with my cousins and family members. Christmas is a time of giving–time, love, and gifts. God’s Word tells us not to hold on to things tightly. I know that when Christmas rolls around we make our “wish lists” and hope that we receive that “perfect” gift as we anxiously await Christmas morning. But, what if Jesus asked you to give away your “perfect” gift. Would you say no and hold onto it tighter or would you be willing to give up anything for the sake of Jesus? That is a tough question for me to answer. I love receiving and giving presents, but when I receive what I have been waiting for I am not really in a rush to give it away. Now, the Bible isn’t saying to open your gifts, thank you parents, and then host a garage sale. Jesus is saying that the “stuff” of this world is temporary…here today and gone tomorrow. Focus on Jesus, He is the true gift of Christmas. Hold onto Him tightly, let everything else fall out of your grasp.

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