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Fast Company’s “The Case for Girls”

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I’ve always been extremely interested in studying society’s influence & effects on girls. For as far back as I can remember, whenever I’ve been assigned to write a paper (from elementary school all the way through now, my junior year in college) I would always choose to highlight a female author, aspects of the feminist movement, advertising’s effects on girlhood, and media’s portrayal of women. It fascinates me…and breaks my heart.

When I was in middle school, I vividly remember several college-aged girls intentionally investing into me. They would take me out for ice-cream, send me packages from college, and have movie nights with me. They didn’t act superior. They loved me and modeled what a strong woman in the 21st century looked like. No, it wasn’t the modern feminist kind of “strong.” It was a strength rooted in confidence in Christ…not whether they were on top of the world or not.
Now, it’s my turn. I’m that college-aged girl and I have middle school girls looking to me for help….how are we defining girlhood? What does an effective female leader look like? We are setting that stage right now, today.
Fast Company published “The Case for Girls”–the basis for the study was that “most would-be parents prefer boys, not girls. Is part of the trouble, dare we say, a branding problem–one that advertising could solve?” GREAT READ. And this case is on to something….

“My daughter will be brought up to understand her true value. That’s a promise. As for all the little girls to be born around the world, the creation of these ads is an effort to show how imagination can change the conversation around their lives.”

What do you think…how are you setting the stage for a rising generation of girls?

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