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How can you finish 2021 STRONG?

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Recently I came across an Instagram post from Annie F. Downs that I’ve embraced this December as a resource for becoming who God made me to be. Annie shared that in talking with her mentor about how to finish this year, her mentor said, “Leave it all on the field.” Unpacking her own wrestling through what that meant and looked like for her, Annie shared she’s finishing 2021 strong by being grateful, intentionally and specifically writing down every day this month what she is thankful for. 

I want to finish this year strong, too. I don’t know how 2021 has unpacked for you and your becoming journey. This year has been filled with deep growth, celebrations, and challenges. And I haven’t always “felt” thankful. As my own mentors are challenging and reminding me in this chapter of my becoming story, God IS moving all around me every, single day. I just have to open my eyes to see Him. I love how Pastor Mark Cummins (also to known to me as Daddy) is teaching at Church of Hope on Sundays the truth: my experience with Christ opens my eyes to Christ (you can watch this Bible study series on Church of Hope’s YouTube Channel by clicking here). 

I want to step into 2022 eyes wide open to Christ, fully experiencing Him. I don’t want to be blind to all of the miraculous ways He is moving around me… I want to finish 2021 strong, awake, aware… grateful. 

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

This is what I’m embracing as I’m becoming who God made me to be, and warrior friend, I’m inviting you on this 5th day of December, to finish 2021 strong too. Grab a notebook or start a note on your phone and list what you’re thankful for today… as I’ve begun this journey, my eyes are opening… I have so much to be grateful to God for. Thank you, Jesus!

Warrior friend, I love you. I’m for you. I’m thankful we’re on this journey becoming who God made us to be together. Stay tuned for several Becoming Stories coming soon… and an update on my book, Becoming Me

I’m cheering you on big time as you’re becoming who God made you to be, warrior friend!

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