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How Having A Coffee Date With Jesus Can Change Your Life

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Lately, I’ve been in a rut. I’ve had quite a few crazy transitions in my junior year of college that have freaked me out – hello, careers? I’ve also had to make a transition in friend groups and I took on 18 credit hours at school! With all of that being said, it’s been a wild ride.

For a long time, I tried Netflix to curb my craziness and “relax.” Let me tell you, ladies, that doesn’t work so well. Because I filled my time with TV shows instead of more studying time or even time with Jesus, I became even more frustrated and chaotic.

Isn’t that how it goes? We get crazy in our schedules and in our lives and turn to things like shopping or Netflix. Sometimes it can even be creating more of a social life for ourselves: surrounding ourselves with more and more people so that we don’t have to think about responsibilities that are important in our lives.

Even though Netflix and sleeping and social lives sound like more fun, the cure to real rest is the Lord. I promise you that. I know, I know, it’s such a cliché answer but hear me out…

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or burdened, first, sit down with a good cup of coffee or tea (or even your soda, if that’s your poison). Then, open up your Bible with some sort of reading plan in mind. Then, let God speak to you as you pour out your heart to Him.

It can really work wonders.

I know that that’s not always the case. We don’t always think to set thirty minutes aside for Him. For our well-being. It’s a lot easier said than done. Here’s the coolest part, though: He provided the Living Word, the Bible, so that we could memorize nuggets to keep in our back pockets when our days are crazy, filled with burdens, or just when we need those special reminders from the One who created us.

Here are a few that I love:

“Look at the nations and watch – be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.”  Habakkuk 1:5 (NIV)

Y’all: God has got BIG plans for this place. In the middle of our chaos, He is going to do marvelous things we wouldn’t ever believe.

But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Daniel 3:18 (NIV)

My favorite paraphrase of this is: “If not, He is still good.” Even if we have expectations and fall through, He is still good. If we think something should happen and it doesn’t? He is still good. He is STILL good. The Lord is full of goodness, through and through.

“I pray that out of His glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being.” Ephesians 3:16

On my weakest days, this is my go-to verse. I know that I have a prayer that God would fill me with His strength. He would refresh my inner being so that I am able to stand strong and courageous even when I don’t feel like it.

I’ve shared my favorites with you. But, every Bible verse means something different to everyone! It’s called “the Living Word” just for that reason! Find your own verses. Have a coffee date with Jesus and ask Him to reveal to you His wisdom and love. More than likely, He’ll pour more wisdom into you than you know what to do with. Hold on to those. Remember that He breathes life into us.

Keep His words in your back pocket for that special time you need them. Use memory verse cards. Use Use whatever you need to repeat it to yourself until you latch onto your words, sweet friend.

He created them for your use. Will you take advantage of that?

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