Have you ever asked God the famous one-word question, “WHY?” Have you ever just really struggled with difficult situations that are going on around you and found yourself wallowing in self-pity? These feelings are common–tragedy happens. It’s called life! (I am not saying that life is a tragedy–I am saying that stuff happens in this thing we call life!) There is a guy in the Bible who faced some pretty difficult storms in his lifetime. There were many times when he asked God “why???” and wondered why in the world certain things were happening to him. Maybe you can guess who this guy is. His name is David. David went through so many ups and downs–kind of like a roller coaster! One minute he is a young shepherd boy defeating a giant and the next he is committing adultery. Then there is the time he is called a man after God’s own heart and the moments he is hiding out in a cave from his enemies. David experienced the storms of this life and he questioned God. But what I appreciate about David is that while he questioned God, he did not forget to praise Him. In the midst of David’s storms, he chose to worship God. Notice the fact that this was a choice. Praising God was not a feeling or a sudden impulse. It was a choice that David had to make. And believe me, this is not easy! When storms surround us it is so much easier to adopt a “woe is me” mindset and give God the silent treatment. But, in all reality, does that help the situation? Nope. I once heard this amazing quote from John Maxwell, “What happens in us is more important than what happens to us.” Wow, did you catch that? The circumstances around us are not that important, our reaction to them is what really matters. So many of the storms that we face are great exercises to help us grow in our faith and trust in Jesus, but we cannot grow if we don’t make the deliberate choice to praise Jesus even when we don’t understand what is going on. Check out Psalm 57, it is a great example of David praising God in the midst of his storms.

Becoming Tayler Jordan: Learning To Embrace You Are Enough
How can you embrace you are enough? We’re excited to introduce you to our warrior friend Tayler Jordan! Grab a cup of coffee and join Tayler’s and Emily’s