The headlines say so
Every girl’s dream.
My picture plastered
Every girl’s dream.
My picture plastered
On countless walls.
I’m the latest fashion.
I’m the No. 1 model
The headlines say so
At 6,
I won my first beauty pageant.
At 16,
I had a nose job.
At 18,
I had breast augmentation.
I’m the No. 1 model
The headlines say so
I work out two hours a day.
Every day.
I count calories,
Every calorie.
Hunger is my constant companion.
I work long hours
To get every photo just right;
Professional airbrush
My best friend.
I’m the No. 1 model
I don’t know how to stop…
The money,
The fame,
The pace,
Like a race,
If I stop,
I might drop,
On my face.
The show.
The show.
It’s all I know.
I pass by John’s Pizza Shop
And see people laughing and eating
And I wonder
What that would be like.
I pass by the park
And notice an old couple
Holding hands;
Slow pace,
No race,
I see how he
Touches her face.
I do not want to be the No. 1 model
I need to be the me that lives inside this skin.
Can God see my soul?
Will He want to go in?
I heard a man say that
God does not look on the outside,
But He looks in.
He said that God
Does not care what you look like,
Your hair,
Your nails,
Your weight,
Perfect skin or
If you fit in.
I do not want to be the No. 1 model
Oh, please…God, come in.
Oh, please…God, come in.
I want to be the me that is
supposed to be in this skin.
(Adapted from In This Skin by Nancy K. Talbot feautured in the May 2007 issue of Brio Magazine.)