Today my world was rocked by a girl named Jayme Dee. So, my phone beeps with a new tweet update from design extraordinaire, Promise Tangeman. She tweeted about this new artist that she absolutely adored & the opportunity to get a free download. Hey, why not…I checked out Promise’s article on Jayme, and instantly fell in love with her too! Her fun personality and heart shine through her music. I’m excited to watch this rising star!
A while ago, Promise also wrote a phenomenal post on “A Conversation for Designing for Yourself.” As I have been trying to sharpen and refine not only my design skills, but my writing and photography skills as well, I have constantly been checking in with Promise’s blog for tips and ideas. This idea in particular definitely stuck out to me. When I am working on a project, it helps to have all of my ideas right in front of me. Often, I’ll print out pictures and drafts of ideas for the project and the project itself and tape them to the wall just so I can visually have what I’m working on in front of me–it’s like a visual editing process in my mind. In her article, Promise suggested creating an “inspiration board.” This idea is absolutely amazing and definitely helpful! Before a project, I gather my thoughts on paper and then visually search for ideas. After searching for ideas, I compile them together and see a better idea of where the project is going. Inspiration boards also keep me motivated as well! I have a personal “inspiration board” picture as my computer desktop to help remind me of the little things in life that inspire me and keep me going!

And what has God been teaching me in the midst of all of this? This past week, in virtually every area of my life, I have experienced His presence whispering–and at times shouting–Psalm 119:1 into the very depths of my heart, “You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God.” In the little moments during the drive to CF or work and even in the middle of watching a movie, God kept reminding me that He has a plan for my life–every aspect of my life–and that I need to continually lay myself down in order to trust Him. Sometimes this is so hard, but it was in those little moments this week, that I realized that staying on God’s path for my life is definitely worth it.
I would hate to come to the end of the road of my life and God tell me that I missed it entirely. That thought breaks my heart. My prayer is that God will clear my head of all side-show distractions so that I don’t miss the road that He is revealing for me. It’s so easy to think that I know where my life is going–where I’m going to school, what relationship to walk into or not walk into, what person to encourage and share His story with, what career to pursue, etc. However, the very moment that I think I have my road figured out, is the exact moment that I’m headed in the complete opposite direction of what God has planned for me! When I think I have my life mapped out, I’m focused on me–my wants, my dreams, my desires, my timeline. I must put my focus back on God’s roadmap, because chances are, it doesn’t look exactly like mine. I see right where I am today. He sees where I am 30 years from now. Man, that thought is absolutely incredible. When I look up at the gorgeous night sky and see the majesty of the stars shining down on me, I begin to realize just how small I am–and how big God is. My God created those stars. He created this heart thumping inside of my chest. He created the vast ocean and Jayme Dee’s amazingly talented voice! He created my thoughts, my dreams, my hopes, and my aspirations. He knows what’s going on in my heart and mind. He knows what frustrates me and what fuels me. He KNOWS me! What better person to write the map for my life? I think I know me…but I change my mind all the time. One day I like ice-cream, the next I would rather have a chocolate chip cookie. I continuously change, but my Creator does not.
“You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God. You’re blessed when you follow His directions, doing your best to find Him. That’s right–you don’t go off on your own; you walk straight along the road He set. You, God, prescribed the right way to live; now you expect us to live it. Oh, that my steps might be steady, keeping to the course You set; then I’d never have any regrets in comparing my life with Your counsel. I thank You for speaking straight from Your heart; I learn the pattern of Your righteous ways. I’m going to do what you tell me to do; don’t ever walk off and leave me.” Psalm 119:1-8, the message
God, clear my head of all side-show distractions
so I don’t miss the road You are revealing.