The world tells us “life is all about you.” I mean, just look at fast-food slogans such as “Have it your way” and “I’m lovin’ it!” From the time we were little to the moments we walk in our high school society has said “Go ahead, make life about you. That’s why you are alive, isn’t it? Why would you let someone else run your life?” God’s Word talks to us a whole lot differently! Jesus says that we have to die to ourselves! Whoa…talk about a completely different message! Does this mean we are supposed to literally die? Nope. Jesus means we need to die to our selfish desires (this is figurative!). He desires for us to die to our sinful, earthly nature and become fully alive in Him. It is really easy to walk around with the mask of this world painted across our faces to hide the pain and hurt that we are trying so hard to hide. It is really easy to wear the crown of popularity and cry yourself to sleep at night. It is extremely easy to wear a “Sunday morning hat” and go on with your life the rest of the week. All of this stuff is really easy to do! It is hard to take off the masks of the world and embrace who God has created us to be. We don’t like vulnerability. We want to be comfortable and safe. Risks are not are favorite things to do! But dieing to who we are on this earth requires a risk–a BIG risk at that! God is calling you and me to rip off the mask of who we are pretending to be and become HIS! Why do we try so hard to dance for the world and impress them? At the end of the day whatever we do will never be good enough. There will always be someone who is prettier, smarter, skinnier, and more talented than you. But does that mean that Jesus cannot use you? Not at all! He knows that you are perfect just as you are and He has an incredible plan for your life. All you have to do is embrace Him. Step away from the world and run into Jesus’ arms. It is hard–I know! But it is definitely worth it. Jesus will never leave you or forsake you. Can you believe that today?

Becoming Tayler Jordan: Learning To Embrace You Are Enough
How can you embrace you are enough? We’re excited to introduce you to our warrior friend Tayler Jordan! Grab a cup of coffee and join Tayler’s and Emily’s