Last week I ran for the senior class vice president for the class of 2009 at Forest High School. I had so much fun preparing my speech (that aired in front of the entire student body!) and creating and designing posters. In this picture you can kind of see one of my posters! But, I do have a “moral” out of this experience. I have been attending Forest High School for five months now. It was not easy for me to step out and run against other students who had been there since ninth grade. It would have been so easy for me to just not try at all and use the excuse that I didn’t know enough people at Forest to run. Now, am I saying all of this because I won the vice presidency? Nope. In fact, I lost. Whoa, you may be thinking that I am crazy for just revealing a failure to the blogosphere, but in all actuality this was a win for me. I know that may sound pretty confusing, but I did win the day over me. I won over my emotions and proved to myself that I can step up to the plate and do anything that I set my mind to do. The other cool part about this is that I put myself out there at my school. Now many more students at my school know who I am simply because they saw my poster hanging in the hallway. I have been able to meet several cool people that I wouldn’t have had the chance to meet otherwise. I did my best. I did not hold anything back and I gave it to Jesus Christ. He has big plans for me–plans that I do not even know about. I am excited to see what He may be bringing out of this experience as well as what His other plans are for me. So, did I win the title of senior class vp? No. Did I win in myself? Yep. I stepped up and did what God wanted me to do and I know He will take care of me from here.

Becoming Tayler Jordan: Learning To Embrace You Are Enough
How can you embrace you are enough? We’re excited to introduce you to our warrior friend Tayler Jordan! Grab a cup of coffee and join Tayler’s and Emily’s