This scene describes us perfectly. Katie & I have grown up on this beach…each summer sharing our dreams, secrets & fears along its sandy shores.
Sanibel Island holds a special place in our hearts. And this year, we captured some of our special moments to share with you!
Katie is a freshman at UF, studying physiology & is actively involved on the Spirit Squad where she spends a lot of time with her friend, Alberta. She is a lifeguard at the YMCA & also serves in Hope Kidz & mentors young students at Church of Hope. She is not only my sister, but she is my best friend.
Mark & Linda (better known to me as Dad & Mom!) unpack life with long convertible rides, walks on the beach, & black coffee. This past year, Linda was Mark’s coach, cheerleader & therapist as he finished the USMC marathon. They are looking forward to being in Kenya in January 2012. They love being a part of the community of Christ followers known as Church of Hope!
As for me, I am a junior at UF, studying Advertising and English. I serve on several teams at Church of Hope & am investing in 14forty’s middle school girls. I am currently training for a half marathon and have launched my own photography business, EC Photography!

Join us this Christmas Eve at Church of Hope!
Friday, December 23 at Diamond A Farm at 6 PM (directions at
Saturday, December 24 at Church of Hope at 3 PM & 5 PM
From my family to your’s, I am praying that this Christmas season & New Year will be filled with grace, peace, hope & new beginnings.