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Photographer in the Making

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A picture is worth a thousand words…
I would have to agree with the above catch phrase. A picture contains a story outside of mere black ink on paper. A picture shows emotion. It shows creativity. It communicates.
I have always been extremely interested in photography & have wanted to pick it up as a hobby. One of my close friends, Megan Mercier, has definitely inspired me with her work (which I have had the privilege of using for this blog!) and encouraged me to pursue photography for myself!

Today, I gave a commemorative speech on my Daddy to my Effective Speaking class. While preparing for the speech, I realized that at the end of the day, what I cherish the most about my Daddy are the words he has left for me throughout the years. I literally have a stack of cards filled with encouragement, congratulations, love, insight, and leadership lessons. I know that I will treasure these letters for the rest of my life. According to Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe, “Letters are among the most significant memorial a person can leave behind them.” So today, I wanted to capture just how important these letters truly are to me–in a way that I felt like words alone couldn’t express. And my journey into the land of photography begins!
Check out my new photography tab to see more pictures!

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