How can you navigate singleness, dating & relationships? This was such a fun Valentine’s Day Edition Warrior Conversation with Blake Housley answering questions you submitted on singles, dating & relationships from a single guy & girl’s perspective!
In this Warrior Conversation, we talk about…
➡️ Do girls want guys to pursue will know a guy likes her?
➡️ Online dating… yay or nay?
➡️ Thoughts on Snapchat?
➡️ How to tell someone you like them or are interested in them?
➡️ Thoughts on long distance dating?
➡️ How to meet single people?
➡️ How to be intentional in singleness?
Check out the replay & share with another warrior friend!

Thank you Blake Housley sharing your wisdom from a guy’s perspective! You’re awesome! We’re cheering you on big time as you’re becoming who God made you to be, warrior friend!
We’re cheering you on big time as you’re becoming you, warrior friends!