My youth group has been out and about doing some crazy things for Spring Break. On Sunday we went paint balling! Now this was my very first time and it was absolutely insane! The question I kept asking myself is “Why do people actually pay to have people shoot them with paint balls and inflict themselves with pain??” Fortunately I did not get hit with a paintball, but that could be due to the fact that I was hiding the whole time! But after a couple hours of “war”, the troops were soaking wet, tired, starving, and showing off their new battle scars!
On Tuesday we went to the beach only to find that the sunshine was hiding from us! But we made the best of it by laughing and having a great time!

I think Katie (my little sister) is showing off her muscles here!

Yep, it was pretty COLD!!!!
If you aren’t involved in a youth group and you live in Ocala check out FBC Ocala’s youth group at