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#TRENDING: The Tweet That Is Sharing Hope in the Midst of Our Nation’s Deadliest Mass Shooting

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As I scrolled through my newsfeed on Saturday morning reading the heartbreaking news about Christina Grimmie‘s death the night before, a USA Today article caught my attention—”The one Christina Grimmie Tweet everyone is sharing“. I clicked the article link and couldn’t help but blink back tears.

On Friday night, Christina performed a show in Orlando, Florida, and after the event, sat signing autographs for fans. One fan in particular wasn’t looking for an autograph; rather, he pointed a gun at Christina, ending her life. As Christina’s family, friends, fans, and the world mourned the loss of a 22-year-old woman pursuing her dream, a tweet Christina posted on February 21, 2013 went viral and hit the top trending articles on USA Today:

“Sometimes God allows terrible things to happen in your life and you don’t know why. But that doesn’t mean you should stop trusting Him.”


In the midst of tragedy & confusion, Christina Grimmie’s life points people to the incredible HOPE we have in Jesus Christ. This is the legacy Christina left and shared with the world—just hours before tragedy enveloped people yet again.

Early Sunday morning, a gunman wreaked havoc in an Orlando nightclub, launching the worst shooting massacre in U.S. history, leaving 50 dead and 53 wounded.

On Sunday, I found myself scratching my head, wondering what is happening in the world around me? Discouraged, confused, sad, and at a loss for words, I was reminded of hope…

Sunday, in the midst of the news circling around me, I remembered Christina’s tweet—”Sometimes God allows terrible things to happen in your life and you don’t know why. But that doesn’t mean you should stop trusting Him.”

I don’t have all the answers. I don’t know why a gunman shot Christina Grimmie on Friday night. I don’t know why a gunman massacred 50 people and wounded 53 others on Sunday morning.

But I do know this: reaching our communities for Christ is our greatest defense against terrorism. When people have discovered hope in Christ, they don’t need to take a gun to a public place and murder someone.

And that’s what I’ve staked my life on. That’s why BecomingMe.TV exists. Because in the midst of the hurt and confusion and chaos of this thing called life, there is a real God who sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us and rise again, taking away our sin, soaking us in grace and inviting us to have a relationship with Him. It’s in our relationship with Christ—it’s in discovering HOPE in Him—that we’re free to become who He made us to be, trusting Him first for salvation and in every situation, loving people, and investing our lives for God’s glory.

I think Christina Grimmie understood that. As I look at pictures and watch video clips of Christina living out and pursuing her passion, I can’t help but smile seeing a woman passionately pursuing becoming who God made her to be and pointing people directly to Him in the process.

Our country has faced incredible tragedy this weekend in Orlando, Florida. And as we pray, donate blood, and engage with the #PrayForOrlando conversation happening online, I’m committing to remembering Christina’s words, because even when I don’t know why, I know God is good and He can be trusted. I know God’s not done yet. And I’m committed to partnering with people to discover in Christ we have HOPE.

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