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#TRENDING: Will God Forgive Me For Having Sex Before Marriage?

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Hey friend,

If you’re like me, as a little girl you dreamed big dreams of wedding bells, a pearly white gown fit for a princess, and walking down the aisle toward the man of your dreams, ready to share all of you with him.

But perhaps, from your vantage point today, your fairytale dreams haven’t turned out quite as you planned. Dreaming of saving sex for your wedding night, perhaps you find yourself in a place where you’ve already given yourself to someone—or someone has taken that gift from you—and you’re not quite sure what to think next.

We read in the Bible that God designed sex as a beautiful gift between a man and a wife and to save that gift for marriage. So, if you’ve had sex before marriage, does God forgive you?

Yes. 100% yes.

The beautiful thing about our God is that He is a God who makes all things new. The Bible tells us in Lamentations 3:22-23 that His mercies are new every morning. Every, single morning. Not just on Mondays or Thursdays. Every. Morning.

Today, his mercies are new for you and for me. He so lovingly and tenderly picks us up where we’ve been broken and made mistakes and allows us to be made completely new.

God’s Word also says in Psalm 103:12 that God forgives our sins as far as the east is from the west—that means that when God forgives us, we are forgiven…the slate is wiped clean. We are made new!

Does this mean we can flippantly do whatever we want today shrugging it off as ok because we can wake up tomorrow ready to shower in waves of grace? A woman pursuing her relationship with Jesus is getting to know Him, becoming more like Him. When we know who we are and Whose we are, we don’t have to chase fantasies, whims or feelings. We can stand rooted in who God designed us to be and walk confidently in His purpose for us.

You are not ruined, unworthy or dirty. You are beautiful, redeemed and whole. Wherever you are today, have a conversation with God and ask for Him to forgive you, pick you up, brush the dirt off your face and make you new. And then walk forward, head high, wearing the crown of royalty He has crowned you with as His daughter.

There’s this book, Song of Solomon, in the Bible—you may have picked it up in middle school and giggled at the many uses of the word “breasts”, but there is something so special we can take from the book. Song of Solomon 8:4 says, “Don’t excite love, don’t stir it up, until the time is ripe—and you’re ready” (MSG).

I think many of us tend to rush the timing of our love lives. Whether it’s relationships, having sex, or dating, it benefits us to wait until the time is right for us. The right time? I know, you’re probably shaking your head. But the right time is when you can talk about it with God and take the next best step as He leads.

Friend, don’t rush it. Walk slowly, hands open trusting God with His best for your life.

Regardless of your past or the decisions of yesterday, stand up today the whole, beautiful woman God designed you to be. Talk with God and ask for His forgiveness. Walk in the freedom of redemption and a new day. And arm yourself with patience, asking God when the best time is for marriage, anticipating with excitement the day of sharing all of you with your spouse.

Doubt doubt who you are and Whose you are. Yesterday doesn’t define you, your Heavenly Father does, and He calls you worthy, redeemed and whole.

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