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Have you ever found yourself scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed reading articles when something catches your eye, making you scratch your head and wonder…what do I believe about that?

It seems like lately flipping through news channels, scrolling through social media, and in conversations with friends over coffee, trending hot topics are continually bubbling to the surface…topics that encourage me to really wrestle through what God’s Word says about that subject and what I believe.

This month at BecomingMe.TV, we’re going to intentionally dive into hot topics together in our new series, #TRENDING. We’ll dive into what God’s Word says and how we can lace up our warrior boots, taking the best next step in front of us in the midst of the opinions, debates and confusion circling around us.

I’m excited for this journey and how we can link arms together, continuing to embrace and passionately pursue becoming who God made us to be.

Here we go!

Emily Cummins


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