By Brianna Nelson

A legacy is a lasting impression left on someone after they are gone. It means to leave such an impression, that even years later, they are remembered not only fondly, but with a sort of reverence.My mom left a legacy not only in my life, but also my sisters lives. We grew up seeing her kindness, generosity, encouragement, and vivacious smile and personality affect those she met every day, as well as those that were in her life permanently.
When she died, hundreds of people came to remember and honor the amazing person she was. Even years later I hear stories of how generous and kind she was to those she met.
She poured so much of her life into my sisters, our family, and myself. She loved with every fiber of her being and always sought to see the good in everyone; regardless of their past offences.
I strive to live and love like my mom—to leave a legacy of generosity and kindness in the wake of those I meet. Her ability to love and give has given me the encouragement to live my life in honor of the kindness she showed everyday—to extend the legacy she left.