What gets you out of bed in the morning?
It’s a simple question, yet often we have such a hard time answering it…pinpointing that passion and dream defined as our “why”…

10 years ago, I pushed publish on my first blog post in this house. In 2007, as a junior in high school, I didn’t have a strategic decade-long plan mapping out where I would take this little blog…I just knew I loved writing. Writing has always been my outlet, my passion, how I process and understand my becoming journey. Little did I know then that my simple blog would transform into this beautiful resource and community for thousands of women around the world. I was just tapping into what I love, what helps me on my becoming journey…

In 2014, I called my friend Amy and said, “Hey…what would you think about coming over tomy apartment and us filming your story, how you’re becoming who God made you to be, and then sharing that on my blog?” She said yes, we filmed her story, and Becoming Stories were born. Did I know in 2014 that just 3 years later, we would film and share 59 Becoming Stories (and counting!)? Nope. I just knew that I saw women becoming who God made them to be all around me—women who are strong, who are beautiful, and whose stories are so very important—and I wanted to share those stories…
I think we discover our “why” in the seemingly insignificant moments where we say “yes”, trusting God with the next step in front of us. Pushing publish on a blog? Interviewing a friend? Pretty simple moments; however, they’ve changed my life…and they’re changing the lives of countless women on their own becoming journeys.
In the moment, becoming who God made you to be just seems like hard work…life…steps. But looking back, I can see how each step I’ve taken on my becoming journey has led me to where I am today, to discovering more and more of my “why”…my purpose…my driving force. It would be easy to define my purpose as “being a writer” or “communicator”; however, my purpose, my why, goes so much deeper than something I do. My why drills down to the core of who I am: a women pursuing becoming who God made her to be with all she’s got and who wakes up every day to help women become who God made them to be too. That’s it, that’s my answer, that’s why I get out of bed every day.
I didn’t discover my why in one big moment, but rather in many little moments over time. But I know with everything in me this is who I was created to be, what I was created to do.
Warrior friend, what gets you out of bed in the morning? Looking back on your journey so far, what handful of seemingly insignificant moments have made the most profound impact on your story? Dissect those moments—what made them stand out to you? I think you’ll begin to discover your why there. And when you do, your heart will skip a beat as you see with fresh eyes who God has created you to be and this grand purpose He has birthed in and through your life. Run after your why…after becoming who God made you to be with every fiber in your being…I’m here running with you.