I am so excited to introduce you to my warrior friend Ben Bowman! Grab a cup of coffee and join Ben’s & my conversation unpacking his story, how he is becoming who God made him to be, and how we too can grow on our becoming journey…

Meet Ben Bowman:
Ben Bowman aims to be a force multiplier. Whether that’s helping leaders make great decisions around the future of their business, investing in startups and growing real estate markets, or through a simple conversation with a friend, Ben wants to leave people and places better than he found them.
Ben is a follower of Christ, fitness enthusiast, rescue-dog owner, and avid traveler, outdoorsman, and sports fan. Professionally, he is a Partner and EVP of Consulting Services for Velocity Advisory Group where he focuses on strategic planning, culture building, retreat facilitation, and organizational development consulting. Ben has a unique ability to see the big picture and drill down to the details while remembering that the best plans fall short without the right people to implement them.
Connect with Ben Bowman Online:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/benbowman__/