Becoming isn’t cancelled ?? Yes, I made a vision board in the middle of this season because I want to daily be reminded of who I want to be & choose to be her! ?⠀
It would be easy to sink into depression, anxiety & overwhelm right now—and I’ve had my moments! But it’s here in the middle we have a choice to make: we can either GROW through it, or just sit through it. Even in the midst of crazy uncertainty, I’m not giving up on dreaming, on learning, on growing, on becoming! And warrior friend, you don’t have to give up either! ⠀
3 ways I’m leveraging this time in-between to DREAM & GROW:⠀
(1) Spending intentional time every, single day with God by diving into His Word, talking with Him, journaling & listening to what He is saying.⠀
(2) Journeying through the #Next90Challenge! Thankful for this incredible FREE coaching resource from Rachel Hollis, Dave Hollis & the The Start Today crew!⠀
(3) Taking time to DREAM about who I want to BE! I’m making lists, trying new things, & yes, creating a vision board! I’m convinced that setting up BE goals & then choosing to live out those goals daily is foundational to this becoming journey.⠀
There is becoming here in the middle, in the unknown & the question marks. And perhaps it’s here where we truly begin to discover who we’ve always wanted to be all along.⠀
Have you created a vision board? What’s one dream on your board? Let me know! ?

Becoming Tayler Jordan: Learning To Embrace You Are Enough
How can you embrace you are enough? We’re excited to introduce you to our warrior friend Tayler Jordan! Grab a cup of coffee and join Tayler’s and Emily’s