I am so excited to introduce you to my warrior friend, Riley Sewell. Grab a cup of coffee, a journal & pen, and join Riley & my conversation unpacking her story, how she’s becoming who God made her to be, and how we can choose to live courageously!

Riley Sewell is an adventurer, writer and full-time student with a heart for impacting the lives of those that need it most. Riley was born in England, raised in New Zealand and is embracing America as her spiritual home. Before the age of fifteen, she had travelled and lived in over twenty different countries. She has a degree in Commercial Law and Management from Auckland University (NZ) and is presently completing her Master’s in Global Leadership at Fuller Theological Seminary. The average age of the Global Leader enrolled in this program is fifty, thereby empowering Riley as the youngest student ever accepted.
In 2004 Riley and her family were holidaying on an island off the coast of Thailand when the Boxing Day tsunami struck. After living through an event that killed over 290,000 people, she set her future towards helping others, particularly those in need of God-Given Courage. She shares this story in the form of public speaking and preaching, mostly to the Millennial generation. She spoke at forty different events across America to over 100,000 people in 2019.
Watch her survival story here.
In her spare time, Riley is a keen Equestrian Rider, practices Mixed Martial Arts and writes a blog about sexuality to ten thousand readers. She is in the process of writing her first book on the ‘Power of Courage’ and dreams of writing more books and then delivering her core message through public speaking engagements.
Connect with Riley & Rylie on Instagram here.