I’m so deeply thankful for the faithfulness of God. To have the God of the universe know me, love me, want to be in relationship with me, & have my best in mind… blows my mind! ???
Today I had a conversation with a woman who shared a challenging journey she’s on—however, in the midst of the challenge she shared over & over the marked ways God faithfully showed up & continues to provide for her & her family. This is the kind of story I want to live with my life.
Life is hard. And beautiful. It’s tough & challenging & awesome… and at the end of it all, I want my becoming story to be defined by how my God showed up again & again & again.
I want to be a woman who…
– Shows up every day
– Opens her hands releasing her plan to God’s best plan
– Knows only how to trust Him
– EVERYTHING points to the goodness & faithfulness of God
Yesterday I read this prayer in Sheila Walsh’s Praying Women YouVersion plan: “Let my life reflect Your faithfulness… I let go of my plan B & wait for You here. I wait for You. I wait. Amen.”
I’m embracing these words in a few tangible ways:
(1) Psalm 5:3 says, “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you & wait expectantly.” I’m starting each day talking to God, laying everything before Him!
(2) I’m marking His faithfulness writing in journals & highlighting how His Word is speaking to me.
(3) I’m sharing His faithfulness with others… sharing my story & experiences, & sharing others’ becoming journeys too.
God is FAITHFUL! He is moving & working in our stories every, single day. So very thankful! Warrior friend, what is one way you have seen God show up faithfully in your journey? Leave a comment or email me… I’d love to hear! ??

Becoming Ken Freire: How To Kill Shame, Stand Strong, And Be On Mission Without Burning Out
How can you kill shame, stand strong, and be on mission without burning out? We’re excited to introduce you to our warrior friend Ken Freire! Grab