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Does This Make Any Sense? Ah…No.

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Christianity doesn’t make sense. “Whoa, Emily,” you are probably saying right about now, “what are you talking about? I thought you were a Christian!” I am a Christ-follower, but what I am saying is that what we believe really does not make sense. That is why Christianity requires trusting Jesus Christ. I mean it makes no sense at all that Jesus was born from a virgin. I have never seen that happen before! And it makes absolutely no sense that Jesus could come back to life. Nope, I have never experienced that before either. The very things that we have been taught since kindergarten in our Sunday School classes are way too difficult for us to wrap our human minds around. There is no earthly way that we could ever fully understand how Jesus is “three-in-one” (God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit). There is no earthly way that I could ever wrap my mind around a virgin birth or a resurrection. But the one thing that I can do is trust Jesus with all of my heart and all of my soul and all of my mind. In order to live out loud for Jesus Christ we have to trust Him with everything that we’ve got. What we believe may make no sense at all, but the One that we believe in makes sense out of everything in this world. Following Christ comes down to one five-letter word: TRUST.

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He shall make your paths straight.

~Proverbs 3:5-6

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