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Embracing Spontaneity

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Sometimes you just need to hop in your car, drive to a quiet spot with a friend, set up beach chairs, watch the sunset, and talk about life.

Normally my small group meets one night a week to dive into God’s Word, talk, laugh, pray and just do life together. Recently one night, in the final minutes leading up to our start time, life just happened…some were sick, some needed to pick up travelers from the airport, others were watching kids while pregnant moms were being rushed to the hospital, ready to deliver new siblings. This is life and it happens continuously.

I began to wonder as more and more texts came in if I should just cancel our group and we would pick up again next week. But something in my heart nudged me not to do that.

We were left with two of us: myself and my friend Jordan—we looked at each other and decided to embrace spontaneity, hop in my car, put the convertible top down, and go on an adventure. Fifteen minutes later we found ourselves watching the most beautiful sunset and just dreaming out loud together.

I’m learning that sometimes we just need to embrace the moments when life just happens and discover the beauty in them. Since moving to Las Vegas almost a year ago, I’ve had “watch a Vegas sunset” on my bucket list. It never happened until last night. As the sun went down, lights began to flicker on all across the city like sparkles. It was a beautiful reminder that even when it doesn’t feel like it, my story is headed somewhere and my God is so much bigger than me.

I’m thankful for the spontaneous moments in life—the moments when I can experience new things, get to know those I’m doing life with on a deeper level, and be reminded that my God is so faithful.

That nudging in my heart to not just cancel the evening was God whispering an invitation to step into the spontaneous, to journey with Him and embrace His beauty.

What is God inviting you to experience today?

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