It is so easy to notice everything that is wrong. Know what I mean?
You are headed to the grocery store and the person in front of you slams on their breaks causing you to swerve and slam on your breaks too! Then when you actually get to Walmart, you get the very last parking space in the lot and can’t find a grocery cart to save your life. It seems as if there is no one around to help and if that doesn’t make matters worse, the store is out of your favorite kind of jelly beans. Life stinks!
The reaction in the above scenario is all too common for me! It is so easy to find the negative side of everything right away rather than to take the time and see the good in every and any situation. What would the above situation look like if we highlighted the positive and let go of the bad things?
You are headed to the grocery store and the person in front of you slams on their breaks. In order to save an accident from happening you swerve and slam on your breaks as well. You thank God for saving you and any potential accidents from happening. When you get to Walmart you get the last parking space in the lot and are excited that you get some extra walking time…talk about some good exercise. You can’t find a shopping cart or anyone to help you, so you pretend you are on a scavenger hunt! The store is out of your favorite jelly beans so you opt for some delicious-looking peanut m&ms instead. You walk away thanking God for a good day.
Life doesn’t stink. Life is most certainly messy, but what we make of it is what truly matters. When we choose to look to Jesus to fix life’s messes, everything turns out OK. Notice that this involves a choice. It is easy to hold on to the negative. It is really hard sometimes to highlight the positive. It just involves a choice. Life is too short to angrily stomp through life. Allow the love of Jesus to permeate your life and choose to highlight what Jesus sees.

Becoming Tayler Jordan: Learning To Embrace You Are Enough
How can you embrace you are enough? We’re excited to introduce you to our warrior friend Tayler Jordan! Grab a cup of coffee and join Tayler’s and Emily’s