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How to Grow Through Tough Seasons

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Yep. 2020 doesn’t look or feel like how we planned or hoped… but I’m determined, committed & declaring I’m going to GROW through it, not just GO through it. ?⠀

It’s here, in the growing, we’re doing the warrior work of becoming… the deep-down gritty work of discovering who we are & who we want to be. Who do you want to be on the other side of this season? Who do you want to emerge as? We can be anyone we choose to be! The choice is ours alone… not your momma’s, best friend’s, significant other’s… who you are is who you choose to be. ?⠀

I’m discovering who I am & who I’m becoming by:⠀
(1) Getting to know God first. Drawing closer to His heart, reading His Word, talking with Him, listening & soaking in who He says I am.⠀

(2) Dreaming up my 10-10-1 “be” goals… who do I want to be 10 years from now? What are the 10 things that will get me there? What’s 1 I can focus on right now? Rachel Hollis has podcasts & resources on this + the The Start Today Journal which helps you not only identify but declare your 10-10-1 every, single day!⠀

(3) Journaling. I’m taking time to write, reflect & put dreams on paper.⠀

(4) Taking care of my health! Exercise, water, vitamins, finding the right fuel for food, and yes, enjoying good cups of coffee! Choosing to be healthy keeps me grounded! ⠀

(5) Vision-boarding. That’s right… even in the midst of a global pandemic, we CAN dream & pursue who we want to become. I’m putting this reminder in front of my eyes every day!⠀

(6) Consuming inspiring, growth-filled content! From good books, to people who inspire me on social media, to podcasts, to the #Next90Challenge, I’m taking in encouragement to take the next step in front of me. ⠀

(7) Doing things that bring me JOY! From cleaning & organizing (yes, this makes me happy!), to face masks, to catching up with family & friends… I’m infusing JOY in the midst of the warrior work!⠀

We’re ALL becoming. Each & every day. What are some things helping you discover who you want to be & who you want to become? Let me know! ?

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