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In Christ Alone

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In Christ alone my Hope is found. He is my Light, my Strength, my Song. This Cornerstone, this solid Ground; firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of peace, when fears are stilled, when strivings cease! My Comforter, my All-in-All, here in the power of Christ I stand.

At the end of the day, if Christ doesn’t show up, it’s game over. That is my reality and I firmly believe it with everything inside of me. I can never satisfy myself. My family can never satisfy me. Friends come in and out of my life. A boy can never complete me. Life has its ups and downs. Trials come. Schedules and timing fluctuate. The only constant is Jesus Christ.

The God of the universe says that you are more beautiful and precious to Him than a galaxy of stars. Now I don’t care what some guy tells you, nothing can ever be more romantic than the God of the ENTIRE world telling you those words! No friend can ever give you a nicer compliment. No family member can ever give you a bigger dose of confidence. Yet why do we look to God as a last resort? It’s so easy to always run to our friends and family and ask for their advice or just make a quick decision on our own. But rarely do we stop, slow the process down, and ask God what He wants or what He thinks. He loves you and me so much that He sent His only Son to literally die for us. This is not some magical fairytale story set in a distant far-off movie script. This is real life. Jesus Christ died because He wants to spend eternity with you and me. That is powerful. The best part is that once we accept Him into our lives, He empowers us! He gives us the Holy Spirit to help guide us. We should be running for Christ’s help all the time and through every situation! We literally stand in the power of Christ. All we have to do is actually live like it.

It’s like learning how to dance. You spend time preparing in the studio learning and studying new moves; however, your art does not just stay in the studio. You take everything that you have learned and apply it when you are dancing on stage. That’s everyday life. In the morning, you can prepare by studying God’s Word, talking to Him, and journaling. This sets you up for the day. Then you step out of your house, put the keys in your car, and drive to school. At this very moment you need to begin applying what Christ is teaching you. When you walk to class, live what you learn. As you talk with your peers, live what you learn. As you exercise, live what you learn.

No guilt in life, no fear in death. This is the power of Christ in me. From life’s first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny. No power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from His hand. Till He returns or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.

How do we live out what we are learning? In Christ alone. Let me shoot straight with you: you can not do this thing we call life on your own. Did you read that correctly? Yep, but just to make sure read it one more time: YOU CAN NOT DO THIS THING WE CALL LIFE ON YOUR OWN. Need an example? OK, let’s take a look at my life. Whenever I try to control or direct what is happening in my life, I end up failing, feeling miserable and less-confident, and getting completely discouraged. Why? Because when I try to take the reins in my life, I come up short and will always come up short. At the end of the day, if Christ doesn’t show up, it’s game over. I am really beginning to see the power and truth in those words. They are truly my reality. If Christ did not show up, I would be over with. I can’t do this thing called life on my own, but that’s the beauty of it. If I simply choose to rely on the One who can complete me rather than trying so hard to find fullness in myself or in others, then God will show up in a great and mighty way and this world will never be the same.

“Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything through the One who makes me who I am.” ~Philippians 4:12-13, the message

You hear the gentle whisper in your ear, “Dance with me?” Don’t hesitate. Jesus wants you just as you are because when you begin to dance with Him, you will start to dance like Him. And that is the power of Christ in you.

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