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Lace Up Your Warrior Boots: Choosing Peace in Uncertainty

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Uncertainty. Unknown. Unsure. Hesitation. Doubt.

At first glance, these words seem scary. They remind us that we are not always in control of the things that happen around us or to us. These words may spark fear or a lack of confidence to become installed within us. BUT, they don’t have to.

God gives us the opportunity to break away from the chains and shackles of uncertainty and to find rest in HIS certainty. When all else seems to be unsure, He is sure of His plans for you. When you fear you are too broken, God picks up your pieces and He says, “Beloved child, let me hold this, for you are mine.” It is only in pouring God’s love through our cracks and crevices that the world can see the God who remains faithful in the mess, in the unknown, in the uncertainty.

Scripture tells us in Psalm 119:105 that God’s Word is “a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” A lamp illuminates only the direct area around us, leaving the rest of our path to be unseen. One step at a time, one breath at a time, one moment at a time, God invites us to trust Him and to surrender the darkness beyond the illuminated area over to Him.

Even in uncertainty, we can choose peace. Below are ways that we can be warriors of peace even in the unknown!

We choose peace by spending time with the Prince of Peace Himself.



I challenge us all to not just read the Bible, but to dive into it. Immerse yourself in God’s personal love letter to you. Dive deeper into each word, praying over them and letting them dwell into the deepest parts of your heart and soul. It is especially hard to trust a God that you have not personally spent time with and gotten to know. It can be easy to want to take control in situations where we cannot see ahead, but it is ever so comforting to be able to trust in a God who sees it all.

We choose peace when we choose surrender.



This world tells us to continue being strong all by our own strength, but Jesus says that it is by His strength that we can do all things. Our society wants us to act in fake ways, whereas Jesus points us to the Truth of the cross. We are told to hold onto our control in times of uncertainty, but Jesus tells us to let go and to be held by Him. Surrender is necessary every day. Surrender is not a one-time thing. It is active. It is life-changing. It is giving up even your good plans for God’s best.

We choose peace when we choose the One who is never-changing.



Peace will rush within us when we place our uncertainties into our certain God. When everything is changing around us, God is not. When everything is shaken around you, your identity is unshakable in Christ. By choosing to live life with God and for God, you are choosing a life filled with purpose and intentionality, even in the midst of uncomfort and confusion.


We choose peace when we declare that “God is in our midst” (Zephaniah 3:17)


God is in YOUR midst. God is in the midst of your mess, of your brokenness, of your trials and He redeems it all for His glory. We can lace up our warrior boots in peace when we trust that God is fighting our battles WITH us and FOR us. Not only reading His promises, but declaring them over our lives and allowing it to absorb into who we are brings overwhelming amounts of peace into our unknowns.

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