When you know who you are & WHOSE you are EVERYTHING changes. And it all begins with knowing Jesus Christ.
In any boxing match, there comes a point between rounds, where the fighter comes to his or her corner & huddles up with their coach. You often see the coach with a towel, wiping blood, sweat & tears off the fighter’s face, or bringing water, ice… whatever the fighter needs to get back in the ring & FIGHT. You’ll also see the coach in the fighter’s face, coaching, empowering, equipping them to fight. ?
I see this in my time with Jesus. Every day is a new round in this battle called life. And each day, I’ve got to start in the corner of my ring, face-to-face with my Savior. He wipes the dirt off my face, bandages my wounds, He equips me to fight FROM victory, not FOR victory. I find this here, in the corner of the ring with Jesus…
There are a few tools I tap into every, single day to keep me grounded & create the space for my heart to both pour out to Jesus & be quiet to hear what He is saying:
(1) Prayer Strategy Cards from Priscilla Shirer’s #ArmorStudy. I kickstart my time in the corner of the ring HERE, talking to God. These strategies help me identify key areas I’m asking God to show up in… if you haven’t journeyed through Priscilla Shirer’s Armor Study, I highly recommend it… it will set you up with INCREDIBLE resources for your time with Jesus.
(2) A Bible reading plan. Having an outline of what to read gives direction for me. I’m currently wrapping up a One Year Bible plan & will then tap into new plans in YouVersion—there are a TON of great YouVersion reading plans!
(3) My journal, pen & colored pencils. As I read, I jot notes in my Bible & write takeaways in my journal. I close out my reading by noting “my action step is…” This helps me APPLY what I just read.
(4) The corner itself—I literally set up the corner of my room with a big, comfy chair, the best-smelling candle & a table for my coffee. This has become a special place I LOVE meeting Jesus in each day.
Warrior friend, what is 1 essential for YOUR corner of the ring time with Jesus? Let me know! ⤵️

Becoming Tayler Jordan: Learning To Embrace You Are Enough
How can you embrace you are enough? We’re excited to introduce you to our warrior friend Tayler Jordan! Grab a cup of coffee and join Tayler’s and Emily’s