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So Small

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As I have been driving around this week, Carrie Underwood’s new cd, Carnival Ride, has been the main cd in my stereo system. I absolutely LOVE her song “So Small.” The lyrics really do have a great message. Check it out….

What you got if you ain’t got love The kind that you just want to give away It’s ok to open up Go ahead and let the light shine through I know it’s hard on a rainy day You wanna shut the world out and just be left alone But don’t run out on your faith Cause sometimes that mountain you’ve been climbing Is just a grain of sand And what you’ve been out there searching for forever Is in your hands And when you figure out love is all that matters after all It sure makes everything else seem So small It’s so easy to get lost inside A problem that seems so big at the time It’s like a river that’s so wide it swallows you whole While you’re sitting around thinking about what you can’t change And worrying about all the wrong things Time’s flying by, moving so fast You better make it count cause you can’t get it back Sometimes that mountain you’ve been climbing Is just a grain of sand And what you’ve been out there searching for forever Is in your hands Oh, and when you figure out love is all that matters after all It sure makes everything else seem So small Sometimes that mountain you’ve been climbing Is just a grain of sand And what you’ve out there searching for forever Is in your hands And then you figure out love is all that matters after all It sure makes everything else Oh, it sure makes everything else seem So small

So small….the song’s message rings forth as love is esteemed above the busy and hectic lives that we hold more often too dear. So many times we search for something that we can grasp onto, yet we fail to realize that we may already have what we are searching for. We search for confidence, yet we can have it in Jesus Christ. We search for praise and affection, yet Jesus died to wrap His arms around us. We search for a superficial, temporary live while Jesus is waiting for us to accept Him into our arms. Jesus says His love will always stay, a boyfriend says my love only lasts as long as you please me. Jesus says I am your Daddy, parents can disappoint us. Jesus says let me be your best friend, while friends break your trust behind your back. Pain is real in this life. There is no way around pain. Everyone deals with it. We need to be open with our emotions–we do no have to have “it all together.” Have you ever thought that if you just shared your hurt and pain that maybe you could help someone else going through the very same thing? Jesus love is mighty and real and can make a huge impact on our lives. While the pain and hurt of this world is still around us and in our face, His love makes it seem so small.

Check out Carrie Underwood’s music video for “So Small” at So Small

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