Picture fifty students spending an entire hour focused in on their relationship with God. They walked throughout their youth group room and prayed, sang worship songs, read Bible verses, and nailed sins to the cross. Imagine what your (and my) life would be like if we would only choose to get closer to the cross. . . .
Tonight my youth group participated in what my youth pastor called, “Four Corners.” No, not the game Four Corners! These four corners were specifically designed to help students grow closer to God and actually spend time with Him. Take a look at the corners and try them out at your house:
- PRAYER. Pray for our country, your church, schools, friends, family, personal struggles, etc. Just get on your knees and spend time talking with Jesus Christ!
- COMMUNION. The Bible is very specific about partaking in Communion. First and foremost, you must be a Christian in order to take communion. What is communion? Communion is when you take a small piece of a cracker and a small cup of grape juice in honor of Jesus’ last supper–the bread for His body broken for us and the juice for His blood that was slain. Now, the cracker and the juice does not become Jesus’ true body! We are not cannibals! They are just symbols. The Bible clearly says to examine yourself closely before taking communion. Confess any sin in your life and ask Jesus to reveal any hidden sins to you (1 Corinthians 11:17-33).
- THE CROSS. Write down on a piece of paper anything that takes first place in your life–anything that is taking Jesus’ place in your heart and nail it to the cross. Now if your don’t have a cross, tear up the paper and throw it away. This symbolizes you dieing to yourself and putting Jesus’ first.
- EXPRESS. Draw what you are feeling. Use paper, pencils, markers, stickers, etc. Just draw what you feel in worship to God.
Try these “corners” sometime. I know that they definitely helped refresh me tonight!