I grew up knowing about Jesus—being a pastor’s kid, I heard about Jesus early on & made a decision as a middle schooler to begin a relationship with Him. It’s been in the last few years & months that I’ve really gotten to KNOW who He is, His deep love for me & who He designed me to be. And that deep knowing has been rooted here, in His Word.
Last summer, I dove into a YouVersion 1 Year Bible Reading Plan. Diving into these pages, I learned something new about my Creator, His love & grace every day. This book has—and continues to—change me, mold me & grow me. I’m so thankful for God’s new mercies every morning. I’ve discovered what it means in Psalms 42 to “thirst” for God, pour out my soul to Him & hear from Him like never before. THIS is where the greatest becoming begins: at the feet of Jesus. My identity isn’t rooted in a title, relationship status, accolades & accomplishments, or number of followers on social media. WHO I AM is rooted in Jesus Christ alone. I’m His daughter. And that’s the GREATEST identity.
Warrior friend, in a world shouting its opinions of who you should be, if we were having coffee today, I’d look you in the eyes & ask if you know who you really are… if you know your Creator… & that your identity is rooted in being His daughter & His son. The crazy-beautiful thing about this identity is that it’s a free gift with no strings attached. Jesus died & rose again for me & for you, & all He desires is a relationship. If you’ve never begun a relationship with Jesus, email me. I’d love the opportunity to introduce you to Him. If you’ve already begun a relationship with Him, it’s time to root your identity in Him alone. It’s time to do the hard work of stripping off everything that tries to define us & walk in the victory we already have in Jesus. This is where “becoming” begins. ???
Becoming Ken Freire: How To Kill Shame, Stand Strong, And Be On Mission Without Burning Out
How can you kill shame, stand strong, and be on mission without burning out? We’re excited to introduce you to our warrior friend Ken Freire! Grab