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Waiting and a Little Thing Called TRUST!

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Waiting for God’s perfect timing is not easy. Lately God has definitely laid two specific verses on my heart: Proverbs 3:5-6.

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall make your paths straight.

This past week was Valentine’s Day. God has told me to wait for His timing in the whole area of dating. And to be perfectly honest, being friends with a guy is so much more fun than dating! But I do know how hard it is to feel like you are the only girl without a boyfriend or the only girl not receiving the famous school “Valo-grams” or something like that! It is hard to wait for God’s guy to come around. It would be easy to find a hott guy at school and quickly get involved in a dating relationship. But that isn’t what God has called me to do. He wants me to wait for the right guy to come along. That is why I love those verses. They say to trust Jesus with ALL of my heart. Not just a part of it. That means I have to trust Him with every single aspect of this whole “dating” thing. (And I am just being transparent for you here–I struggle with this!) I have simply to decided to try to live these verses every day. Now that doesn’t mean I won’t mess up–I am human! But I can come to the feet of Jesus and ask for His help. That is what is so cool about God–He is there to comfort and guide us.
What God is doing in you while you wait is just as important as what you are waiting for!

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