I’m so deeply thankful for the faithfulness of God. To have the God of the universe know me, love me, want to be in relationship with me, & have my best in mind… blows my mind! ???
Today I had a conversation with a woman who shared a challenging journey she’s on—however, in the midst of the challenge she shared over & over the marked ways God faithfully showed up & continues to provide for her & her family. This is the kind of story I want to live with my life.
Life is hard. And beautiful. It’s tough & challenging & awesome… and at the end of it all, I want my becoming story to be defined by how my God showed up again & again & again.
I want to be a woman who…
– Shows up every day
– Opens her hands releasing her plan to God’s best plan
– Knows only how to trust Him
– EVERYTHING points to the goodness & faithfulness of God
Yesterday I read this prayer in Sheila Walsh’s Praying Women YouVersion plan: “Let my life reflect Your faithfulness… I let go of my plan B & wait for You here. I wait for You. I wait. Amen.”
I’m embracing these words in a few tangible ways:
(1) Psalm 5:3 says, “In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you & wait expectantly.” I’m starting each day talking to God, laying everything before Him!
(2) I’m marking His faithfulness writing in journals & highlighting how His Word is speaking to me.
(3) I’m sharing His faithfulness with others… sharing my story & experiences, & sharing others’ becoming journeys too.
God is FAITHFUL! He is moving & working in our stories every, single day. So very thankful! Warrior friend, what is one way you have seen God show up faithfully in your journey? Leave a comment or email me… I’d love to hear! ??

Becoming Tayler Jordan: Learning To Embrace You Are Enough
How can you embrace you are enough? We’re excited to introduce you to our warrior friend Tayler Jordan! Grab a cup of coffee and join Tayler’s and Emily’s