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Becoming Wendy Henkelman: How To Trust God Despite the Unknown & Learn to Embrace the Places Between

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How can you trust God despite the unknown and learn to embrace the places between?

I’m so excited to introduce you to my warrior friend Wendy Henkelman! Grab a cup of coffee (or tea!) and join Wendy’s and my conversation unpacking her story, how she is becoming who God made her to be, and how we too can grow on our becoming journey.

In her Becoming Story, Wendy unpacks:

➡️ Her journey discovering how to trust God with each step

➡️ How to pursue adventure and purpose

➡️ What it means to embrace the places between (a.k.a. the waiting!)

➡️ And MORE!

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Meet Wendy Henkelman:

With a background of over 15 years in ministry, as a Creative Producer and Event Planner, Wendy specializes in storytelling through LIVE Events & Media. She is also the host of The Places Between, a podcast all about transitions and learning to thrive in the spaces and places between!

If you’re human you know what it’s like to wait. Wendy believes those “places between” and the waiting doesn’t have to paralyze us from embracing or being prepared for what’s next! When we embrace a life of transitions knowing we have yet to “arrive” but can show up for life and all that God’s created us to be, we can enjoy the journey, experience more peace and hope, and even navigate transitions with confidence that God is who he says he is and he’s faithful to the very end. Wendy is passionate about Jesus, community, purpose and adventure. Experiencing her own share of challenges from career to calling, navigating relationships, even the messy and broken places of life and “enough-ness”; Wendy has experienced God’s faithful hand guiding every step of the way and wants others to, too!

Connect with Wendy:



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